Starting A Hair Bow Business: Creating a Product Line

If you're thinking about going into the hair bow business you need to figure out what products you would like to carry. Having a diverse product line can lead to increased sales and help set you apart from your competition. Learning how to make hair bows is difficult at first but can be very rewarding. I've rated each of the products that I will cover to give you an idea of the difficulty involved.

The Basic

The basic should be a staple in any hair accessory line. It is made with grosgrain ribbon and usually is attached to a clip but can be attached to a pony tail holder. I would rate it as moderate on the difficulty level. There are several bow tutorials online but I would suggest taking a hair bow class if at all possible.

The Over The Top

This is essentially a combination of basic bows with additional loops, korkers or ribbon added. These are usually the big bows you see. They typically have several different color combinations and styles. The difficulty level on this one would be hard. Starting with the foundation of a basic bow will help you perfect the over the top bow.

The Korker

Korkers are pieces of ribbon that have been wrapped around a dowel rod and heated so that they hold their shape. To make a korker you take several of these pieces of ribbon and thread them together. You then attach the threaded ribbon and glue it on a clip. The korker would rate out as easy on the difficulty level.

Woven Headbands

There are several types of head bands. Some can be purchased others have to be made. One of the more popular head bands right now it the woven headband. This is made from grosgrain ribbon wrapped around a plastic headband. The woven headband would be rated as moderate on the difficulty level.


Flowers are probably one of the easiest to make. It's not a bow at all but it will add to your product line. It's simply a plastic flower attached to a clip. The difficulty level on this would be easy.

These are just a few of the products you may want to carry if you decide to start a hair bow business. Having your own hair accessory product line will give your shoppers a variety of items to chose from. It will also give you a competitive advantage over other hair bow businesses that are just getting started.

Make sure to keep it simple and try not to get overwhelmed with all of the tutorials out there. Find the products that you enjoy making and focus on these items.